Administering Microsoft Exchange Server 2016

Fyrir hverja:  IT Professionals
Tæknin:  Exchange
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Lengd námskeiðs:  
5 dagar
Kennsla er á íslensku, kennsluefni er á ensku

This 5-day instructor-led course teaches IT professionals how to administer and support Exchange Server 2016. Students will learn how to install Exchange Server 2016, and how to configure and manage an Exchange Server environment. The course covers how to manage mail recipients and public folders, including how to perform bulk operations using Exchange Management Shell. Students also will learn how to manage client connectivity, message transport and hygiene, how to implement and manage highly available Exchange Server deployments, and how to implement back up and disaster recovery solutions.

The course also teaches students how to maintain and monitor an Exchange Server 2016 deployment. In addition, students will learn how to administer Exchange Online in an Office 365 deployment.

Fyrir hverja?

This course is primarily intended for people aspiring to become enterprise-level messaging administrators for Exchange Server 2016. IT generalists and help-desk professionals who want to learn about Exchange Server 2016 might also take this course. Students taking this course are expected to have at least two years of experience working in the IT field—typically in the areas of Windows Server administration, network administration, help desk, or system administration. They are not expected to have experience with previous Exchange Server versions.

The secondary audience for this course includes IT professionals who take this course as preparation material for exam 70-345: Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016, or as part of the requirement for the MCSE: Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 certification.

Before attending this course, students must have:

  • A minimum two years of experience administering Windows Server, including Windows Servier 2012 R@ or Windows Server 2016.
  • A minimum two years experience working with active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). A minimum two years of experience working with name resolution including Domain Name System (DNS).
  • Understanding of TCP/IP and networking concepts.
  • Understanding of Windows Server 2012 R2 or later, and AD DS, including planning, designing, and deploying.
  • Understanding of security concepts such as authentication and authorization.
  • Understanding of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
  • Working knowledge of public key infrastructure (PKI) technologies, including Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS).


After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Perform deployment and basic management of Exchange Server 2016.
  • Manage Exchange Server 2016.
  • Create and manage various recipient objects in Exchange Server 2016.
  • Use Exchange Management Shell to create and manage various recipient objects in Exchange Server 2016, and perform various tasks to automate Exchange management procedures.
  • Configure client connectivity to Exchange Server 2016, and manage Client Access services.
  • Implement and manage high availability.
  • Implement backup and disaster recovery for Exchange Server 2016.
  • Configure message transport options.
  • Configure message hygiene and security options.
  • Implement and manage Exchange Online deployments.
  • Monitor and troubleshoot Exchange Server 2016.
  • Secure and maintain Exchange Server 2016.


  • Module 1: Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016
  • Module 2: Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 servers
  • Module 3: Managing recipient objects
  • Module 4: Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 and recipient objects by using Exchange Management Shell
  • Module 5: Implementing client connectivity
  • Module 6: Module 6: Managing high availability in Exchange Server 2016
  • Module 7: Implementing disaster recovery for Microsoft Exchange Server 2016
  • Module 8: Configuring and managing message transport
  • Module 9: Configuring antivirus, antispam, and malware protection
  • Module 10: Implementing and managing Microsoft Exchange Online deployments
  • Module 11: Monitoring and troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2016
  • Module 12: Securing and maintaining Exchange Server 2016

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Þetta námskeið er góður undirbúningur fyrir prófið 70-345: Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016. Ath að ekki eru lögð fyrir formleg próf í sjálfu námskeiðinu en mikil áhersla er lögð á að leiðbeinandi og þátttakendur fari sem oftast yfir það sem hefur áunnist til að ýta undir stöðugar framfarir.

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Þetta námskeið er í boði í fjarkennslu í beinni útsendingu!Þetta námskeið er kennt hjá okkur í Skeifunni en athugið að einnig er hægt að taka þátt í fjarkennslu í beinni útsendingu. Það þýðir einfaldlega að þú getur tekið þátt í kennslustundinni algjörlega óháð staðsetningu. Hvort sem þú býrð á höfuðborgarsvæðinu og hefur ekki tök á að mæta í kennslustofuna, úti á landi eða erlendis, það skiptir ekki máli.

Við viljum vekja sérstaklega athygli á að hægt er að stunda bæði staðnám og fjarnám á sama námskeiðinu, þ.e. mæta stundum á staðinn og stundum vera á línunni, allt eftir því hvað hentar hverjum nemanda.

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Greiðslur: Hægt er að greiða fyrir námskeiðið með Microsoft Training Voucherum. Einnig er hægt að dreifa greiðslum með Netgíró og VISA/MasterCard staðgreiðsluláni til allt að 36 mánaða.

Styrkir: Flest stéttarfélög og fagfélög styrkja félagsmenn sína myndarlega til náms hjá okkur. Kannaðu rétt þinn hjá þínu félagi. Þú getur líka haft samband okkur í síma 519-7550 eða sendu okkur línu á og við aðstoðum þig við að finna út úr hvaða styrkjum þú átt rétt á.
Kennsluefni: Allt kennsluefni er innifalið í námskeiðisgjaldi.

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