Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions - MOD


Fyrir hverja:   Developers
Tæknin:   Microsoft Products
Level:   300
Kennsluaðferð:   Sjálfsnám með Promennt MOD
Lengd námskeiðs:   4 dagar
Tungumál:   Kennsla og námsefni er á ensku
Próf: Ein próftaka er innifalin í námskeiðsgjaldinu. Námskeiðið er góður undirbúningur fyrir prófið 70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions.


This course is intended for students who have experience building ASP.NET and C# applications.  Students will also have experience with the Microsoft Azure platform and a basic understanding of the services offered.

This course offers students the opportunity to take an existing ASP.NET MVC application and expand its functionality as part of moving it to Azure. This course focuses on the considerations necessary when building a highly available solution in the cloud. 

Fyrir hvern?/Inntökuskilyrði

The candidates targeted by this training have basic experience in implementing and monitoring Microsoft Azure solutions. Candidates are also proficient with the development tools, techniques, and approaches used to build application solutions.

In addition to their professional experience, students must have experience working with the Azure platform. They will also have a general understanding of C# concepts for the lab scenario. Candidates experience can include:

  • Compare the services available in the Azure platform
  • Configure and deploy web applications
  • Creating Azure Web Apps from the gallery
  • Deploying and monitoring Azure Web Apps
  • Creating and configuring Azure Virtual Machines
  • Create and manage a storage account
  • Manage blobs and containers in a storage account
  • Create, configure, and connect to a SQL Databases instance
  • Identify the implications of importing a SQL standalone database
  • Manage users, groups, and subscriptions in an Azure Active Directory instance
  • Create a virtual network
  • Implement a point-to-site network


After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Compare the services available in the Azure platform.
  • Configure and deploy web applications.
  • Creating Azure Web Apps from the gallery.
  • Deploying and monitoring Azure Web Apps.
  • Creating and configuring Azure Virtual Machines.
  • Create and manage a storage account.
  • Manage blobs and containers in a storage account.
  • Create, configure and connect to a SQL Databases instance.
  • Identify the implications of importing a SQL standalone database.
  • Manage users, groups and subscriptions in an Azure Active Directory instance.
  • Create a virtual network.
  • Implement a point-to-site network.


Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft Azure Platform

Microsoft Azure provides a collection of services that you can use as building blocks for your cloud applications.

Module 2: Building Application Infrastructure in Azure

Although many Microsoft Azure services use virtual machines, sometimes your application might have a unique need where it requires a virtual machine that is completely unmanaged. Azure provides networking, backup, and virtualization services as part of its Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offering.

Module 3: Hosting Web Applications on the Azure Platform

This module provides an overview of the Azure Web Apps service. Lesson 1, “Azure Web Apps”, describes the Web Apps service in Azure. Lesson 2, “Hosting Web Applications in Azure“, describes the behavior and lifecycle of an Azure Web App. Lesson 3, “Configuring an Azure Web App”, discusses the various configuration options available to change the behavior of your Web App. Lesson 4, “Publishing an Azure Web App”, describes the process for publishing a web application using WebDeploy to Azure Web Apps.

Module 4: Storing SQL Data in Azure

Dynamic web applications must store the data that is being managed and manipulated by end users. ASP.NET technologies such as ADO.NET and Entity Framework provide a way for accessing data in SQL Server. In the cloud, the Microsoft Azure platform provides a database as a service offering that allows developers to use SQL in the same way as they would in an on-premises location. 

Module 5: Designing Cloud Applications for Resiliency

As a developer, you should keep in mind certain considerations while designing applications for the cloud. Although there are many platform improvements available in the ASP.NET ecosystem, you need to rethink the way you design your applications, and the patterns that are used, with respect to the scalability and reliability metrics present for the cloud applications . 

Module 6: Storing Tabular Data in Azure

Dynamic web applications will invariably need to store the data that is being managed and manipulated by users. ASP.NET has always relied on technologies like ADO.NET and Entity Framework to access data from Microsoft SQL Server. For the cloud, the Microsoft Azure platform provides a SQL as a Service that allows developers to use SQL data and queries in the same manner as they would use in an on-premises implementation. 

Module 7: Storing and Consuming Files from Azure Storage

When you want to scale to different cloud instances, storing files to a local disk becomes a difficult process to maintain and eventually an unreliable method of storage. Azure provides a Blob storage mechanism that not only offers high performance but also supports integration to Microsoft Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) for low latency downloads. 

Module 8: Designing a Communication Strategy by Using Queues and Service Bus

With web applications presenting content and worker roles processing the logic, there needs to be a mechanism that facilitates the communication between these different entities. Microsoft Azure provides two queuing mechanisms that you can use for this purpose. 

Module 9: Automating Integration with Azure Resources

Although you can manage most of the Azure services by using both of the Azure portals or Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, you can use scripting to completely automate the management of the same resources. This module will look at automating the lifecycle of the services by using client libraries, Windows PowerShell, REST, and the Resource Manager. 

Module 10: Securing Azure Web Applications

Just like on-premises applications, applications in the cloud need streamlined security mechanisms that are flexible. Azure Active Directory is an identity provider that can provide identity and access functionality for your custom applications or SaaS applications. 

Nánar um markmið og viðfangsefni hér►


Þetta námskeið er góður undirbúningur fyrir prófið 70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions. Ath að ekki eru lögð fyrir formleg próf í sjálfu námskeiðinu en mikil áhersla er lögð á að leiðbeinandi og þátttakendur fari sem oftast yfir það sem hefur áunnist til að ýta undir stöðugar framfarir.

Kennsluaðferð og námsefni

Sjálfsnám með Promennt MOD. Promennt MOD samanstendur af nokkrum mismunandi þáttum sem gera kennsluna aðgengilega hvar og hvenær sem er:

  • Myndbönd
  • Texti (notað er vottað Microsoft MOC-kennsluefni og ítarefni)
  • Prufuumhverfi (hands-on labs)
  • Æfingapróf 


Greiðslukjör: Auk greiðslu með Microsoft Training voucherum og staðgreiðslu bjóðum upp á VISA/MasterCard staðgreiðslulán til allt að 36 mánaða, greiðslu með Netgíró og Pei.
Styrkir: Flest stéttarfélög og fagfélög styrkja félagsmenn sína myndarlega til náms hjá okkur. Kannaðu rétt þinn hjá þínu félagi. Þú getur líka haft samband okkur í síma 519-7550 eða sendu okkur línu á og við aðstoðum þig við að finna út úr hvaða styrkjum þú átt rétt á.