HHHE: Hacking and Hardening Hybrid Environment

Á þessu öfluga námskeiði hljóta þátttakendur tæknilega þjálfun í hvernig nýta má hið frábæra verkfæri Microsoft 365 í öryggismálum fyrirtækja með regluverk GDPR að leiðarljósi.


Fyrir hverja:

Network administrators, infrastructure architects, security professionals, systems engineers, network administrators, IT professionals, security consultants and other people responsible for implementing network and perimeter security.

Tæknin: Microsoft 365
Kennsluaðferð: Hægt að velja um staðnám og/eða fjarkennslu í beinni
Lengd námskeiðs: 3 dagar
Tungumál: Kennsla er á ensku, kennsluefni er á ensku
Kennari: Mike Jankowski-Lorek, sérfræðingur úr teymi Paula Januszkiewicz hjá CQURE.



Security Tips from Expert who has access to a Source Code of Windows!

Topics covered in this seminar help you to walk in hacker's shoes and evaluate your network from their point of view and will cover all Microsoft Security including Security of Microsoft Office 365, Security of EMS, as well as AIP security specially in relation to GDPR. After this workshop, you will be familiar with hacker techniques, which can be useful to protect yourself against. This is a two days training with demos and reasonable and smart explanations.

Everyone has heard about hackers. It is commonly known that their jobs differ from system administrator jobs. However, things they do in their darkened rooms are definitely interesting and worth knowing. Many of the techniques they use are very useful in everyday administration tasks. Is it that easy to get into systems? What about Windows and hybrid environments – are all of these security features preventing all of the attacks possible before? Well no! And we need to know how to implement features properly in order to be on a safe side! Windows solutions and Azure are designed to protect against known and emerging security threats across the spectrum of attack vectors but this can be achieved only when configuring these settings properly!

A Hackers' knowledge is considered to be valuable, both by system creators and common users. Administrators do not have to be taught how to be a hacker; it is often enough to show them one simple, but very interesting tool or technique, to change the point of view on their own IT environment.


After this workshop, you will be familiar with hacker techniques, which can be useful to protect yourself against. This is a two days training with demos and reasonable and smart explanations.

Fyrir hverja?

Network administrators, infrastructure architects, security professionals, systems engineers, network administrators, IT professionals, security consultants and other people responsible for implementing network and perimeter security.


Module 1: Empowering security solutions
This module introduces security solutions built-in the operating system and supporting its architecture.

  1. Windows authentication solutions
  2. Security of Hello and Credential Guard
  3. Information gathering tools
  4. Security in hybrid environments
  5. Security of Office 365 (including threat and information protection)
  6. Security of EMS
  7. AIP Security
  8. Shielded VMs
  9. Containers

Module 2: Identity and access management

  1. Performing the identity attacks
  2. Performing the LSA Secrets dump and implementing prevention
  3. Cached logons (credentials)
  4. Data Protection API (DPAPI) for user’s secrets protection
  5. Credential Guard in details
  6. PowerShell as a hacking tool
  7. Application Whitelisting (AppLocker, Device Guard)
  8. Cloud-based malware protection
  9. Active Directory and Azure AD security
  10. Cloud based monitoring
  11. Authentication Mechanism Assurance
  12. Using virtual smart cards
  13. Multi-factor Authentication

Module 3: Security management

In this module, you will become familiar with important aspects of hybrid security including easy to use solutions, integration with the current environment and monitoring tools.

  1. Azure Security Center
  2. Office 365 Security and Compliance Center
  3. Office 365 Advanced Security Management
  4. Storage Encryption
  5. Code signing techniques
  6. Security management automation
  7. Just Enough Administration
  8. Desired State Configuration
  9. Azure Information Protection
  10. Microsoft Operations Management Suite
  11. Microsoft Intune

Module 4: Threat protection and information protection

  1. Types of the attacks
  2. Detecting attacks with Machine Learning
  3. Ransomware techniques
  4. Malicious software techniques
  5. Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection
  6. Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics
  7. Windows Defender Antivirus
  8. Preventing devices from encountering threats
  9. Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection and Office 365 Threat Intelligence
  10. Office 365 Data Loss Prevention
  11. Windows Information Protection and BitLocker
  12. Microsoft Cloud App Security
  13. Compliance

Module 5: Solutions Summary and Landscape

Module covers discussion about security solutions and implementations with top priorities.


Author’s unique tools, presentations slides with notes, workshop instructions.


At the end participants will receive the online Certificate of attendance signed by the CQURE Speaker.


Styrkir: Flest stéttarfélög og fagfélög styrkja félagsmenn sína myndarlega til náms hjá okkur. Kannaðu rétt þinn hjá þínu félagi. Þú getur líka haft samband okkur í síma 519-7550 eða sendu okkur línu á promennt@promennt.is og við aðstoðum þig við að finna út úr hvaða styrkjum þú átt rétt á.
Fjarkennsla í beinni: Við minnum á að þetta námskeið er einnig hægt að taka í fjarkennslu í beinni útsendingu sem þýðir einfaldlega að þú getur tekið þátt í kennslustundinni algjörlega óháð staðsetningu. Hvort sem þú býrð á höfuðborgarsvæðinu og hefur ekki tök á að mæta í kennslustofuna, úti á landi eða erlendis, það skiptir ekki máli.

Vinsamlegast athugið að dagsetningar eru birtar með fyrirvara um að lágmarksþátttaka náist á námskeiðið.