Office School

  • Kvöldhópur

    Dags. 18. sep '24 - 18. des '24
    Dagar mán, mið, lau
    Tími 17:30-21:00 (lau 09:00-12:30)
    Lengd 240 std. - 46 skipti
    Verð 69.000 kr.

The office school is a collaboration between Promennt and Framvegis-miðstöð símenntunar. The purpose of the course is to enhance the knowledge and increase the skills of those who do or intend to do general office work. The goal of the course is for students to acquire the skills needed to be able to do all-round office work with the help of the most common software and cloud solutions used in the labor market. In addition, students will gain good knowledge and learn how to do accounting. The program is also excellent preparation for further studies. The course focuses on teaching effective learning strategies to strengthen self-confidence and life skills. The program is funded by the Education and Training Service Centre (ETSC).

The office school is for people who have a short formal schooling behind them and it is possible to have the program evaluated for 18 credits at secondary school level. It is taught according to an approved curriculum from the Education Center for Employment. It is recommended to bring your own computer to the course.


Funded by Fræðslusjóður

The program is funded by the Educational fund from Education and Training Service Centre (ETSC). The price for participants is 69.000 kr. (total price without subsidies is 299.000 kr.). 

Course description

The office school is designed for anyone who wants to progress in the labour market by developing their skills through increased education and for those returning to work after a career break. The program is also ideal as preparation for accounting studies. The purpose of the program is to improve self-confidence in handling general office work and to promote a positive attitude towards further study. The program focuses on teaching effective learning strategies to strengthen self-confidence and life skills. The program is funded by the Education and Training Service Centre (ETSC). The office school is a collaboration between Promennt and Framvegis-miðstöð símenntunar.

Course objectives

Note: This course is taught in english.

1. Computer and information skills

The computer subjects that are necessary to know well for all-round office work are covered. It is also emphasized that students learn to use cloud solutions such as Microsoft 365 for collaboration and teamwork.

2. Verslunarreikningur og bókhald
Þessi hluti Skrifstofuskólans er helgaður viðskiptagreinunum verslunarreikningi og bókhaldsgrunni. Í verslunarreikningi er rifjuð upp einföld talnameðferð s.s. almenn brot, tugabrot, jöfnur og hlutföll. Helstu vaxtaformúlur kynntar og æfingadæmi reiknuð, einnig eru helstu vaxtahugtök útskýrð með dæmum og æfingum. Vísitölur og verðtryggingar eru kynntar og meðferð þeirra útskýrð. Því næst verður farið yfir allar helstu reglur um vsk. Farið yfir hvað telst vsk.skyldur kostnaður og hvað ekki, helstu undanþágur ofl. Áður en farið er í tölvubókhaldið verður kennd undirstaða bókhalds þar sem helstu reikningar eru teknir fyrir og verkefni færð í dagbók. Afstemming með prófjöfnuði. Gerð einfalds rekstrar- og efnahagsreiknings. Lestur ársreikninga og lykiltölur.

2. Business calculus and accounting
This part of the Office School is devoted to the commercial subjects of business accounting and basic accounting. A simple numerical procedure is recalled in a commercial account, e.g. common fractions, decimals, equations and ratios. The main interest formulas are presented and practice examples are calculated, also the main interest concepts are explained with examples and exercises. Indices and hedging are introduced and their treatment explained. Next, all the main rules on VAT will be reviewed. Go over what is considered a VAT-related expense and what is not, the main exemptions, etc. Before starting the computer accounting, the basics of accounting will be taught, where the main accounts are taken care of and tasks are entered into a journal. Reconciliation with trial balance. Creation of a simple profit and loss account. Reading annual accounts and key figures.

3. Computer accounting
When students have acquired knowledge of the basic aspects of accounting, they will be taught the basics of handling accounting data in dk. The structure of accounting keys, how transactions are recorded. Reconciliations, including bank statements. Printing of account keys, movement lists, general ledger, balance sheet and profit and loss accounts. Students also learn to use the customer and creditor systems together with inventory, purchasing and sales systems.

4. Customs import/export

The main rules regarding import and export are introduced; customs reporting, import restrictions and exemptions. The accompanying documents with product shipments and what purpose they serve during importation and preparation of customs reports are reviewed. It goes over, among other things, the formation of customs prices and the calculation of import duties. Free trade agreements and the use of the customs register are introduced.

5. Service, communication, resume, learning technology
In addition, factors that affect learning will be discussed and methods that facilitate learning will be taught. Students are taught the correct way of working when creating a resume and skills portfolio. At the same time, it is emphasized that the students are aware of important issues related to customer service and communication with colleagues.

6. Final project
When entering the labor market, it is important to have practical experience of the subject. At the end of the program, students work on a final project in consultation with the teacher.

Learning Outcomes

The student is expected to have a knowledge and understanding of:

• Key aspects of general office work with an emphasis on services and accounting
• Accounting structure
• Business calculus

The student shall be able to:

• Perform general office work with an emphasis on services and accounting
• Calculate VAT, percentages and reconcile accounts

The student must be able to apply the general knowledge and skills he/she has acquired to:

• Provide good customer service
• Record and reconcile financial accounts
• Perform general accounting tasks and office work in a professional manner

Learning assessment

There are no formal exams, but great emphasis is placed on the instructor and participants reviewing what has been achieved as often as possible to promote continuous progress. At the same time, students do a final project in consultation with the teacher at the end of the program. To complete the course, attendance must be a minimum of 80% of the total number of lessons.

Admission Requirements

You must be 18 years old or older. Students who have not completed upper-secondary school will be given priority.

Study Structure

Group sessions are taught three times a week. Some homework is required. Blended learning will be a part of this program. There are no exams, but an 80% attendance rate is required to graduate. We offer live distance learning which means that you can study with us wherever you are in the world.

Length of studies

240 lessons or 160 hours.


You can receive up to 18 credits at the upper secondary school level for your studies.

Online course or Classroom - the choice is yours

This course is held at our location at Skeifan 11b but it is also possible to attend remotely with Microsoft Teams. We don‘t care where you are - we just want you to attend whether you are in Reykjavík or abroad.

Remote attendes always have a reserved seat in the classroom if they decide to show up in person.

Note: Attendance is required (on site/remote)

What´s needed to attend this class online?


Internet connection (4G or better)

Headset with microphone


Extra monitor is nice to have

What´s included?

All course materials

Software (Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365 online).


Compulsory attendance: 80% of the total number of lessons to pass (remotely or on site).
Payments: We offer VISA/MasterCard cash on delivery loans for up to 36 months. We also now offer interest-free easy payments for up to 6 months.
Subsidies: Most unions/educational funds subsidize courses at Promennt. The grant depends on the rights of each individual and can amount to up to 90% (it should be kept in mind that this varies depending on trade unions/educational funds).
►Please note that the dates are published subject to minimum participation being reached for the course.

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