Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions - MOD


Fyrir hverja:   IT Professionals
Tæknin:   Microsoft Products
Level:   300
Kennsluaðferð:   Sjálfsnám með Promennt MOD. 
Lengd námskeiðs:   Kennsluefni samsvarar efni fyrir 5 námskeiðsdaga, en þátttakandi stýrir hraða námsins sjálfur.
Tungumál:   Kennsla og námsefni er á ensku.
Próf: Ein próftaka er innifalin í námskeiðsgjaldi. Námskeiðið er góður undirbúningur fyrir próf nr 70-533.


This course is aimed at experienced IT Professionals who currently administer their on-premises infrastructure. The course introduces the students to Microsoft Azure and then teaches them how to manage their infrastructure in Azure rather than on-premises.

The course is a good preparation for the exam 70-533.

Fyrir hvern?/Inntökuskilyrði

This course is intended for information technology (IT) professionals who have some knowledge of cloud technologies and want to learn more about Microsoft Azure.
  • IT professionals who want to deploy, configure, and administer services and virtual machines in Microsoft Azure.
  • IT professional who have used Microsoft System Center to manage and orchestrate a Microsoft server infrastructure.
  • Windows Server administrators who are looking to evaluate and migrate on-premises Active Directory roles and services to the cloud.
  • IT professionals who want to use Windows Azure to host web sites and mobile app back-end services.
  • IT professionals who are experienced in other non-Microsoft cloud technologies, who meet the course prerequisites, and are looking to cross-train on Microsoft Azure.
  • IT professionals who want to take the Microsoft Certification exam, 70-533, Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions.
This course can also be used by Engineers who have used DevOps approaches to optimize the management and lifecycle of the software in their organization.


In addition to their professional experience, students who attend this training should already have the following technical knowledge:
  • Understanding of on-premises virtualization technologies including: virtual machines, virtual networking, and virtual hard disks.
  • Understanding of network configuration including: TCP/IP, DNS, virtual private networks, firewalls, and encryption technologies.
  • Understanding of websites including: create, configure, monitor and deploy a website on Internet Information Services (IIS).
  • Understanding of Active Directory concepts including: Domains, Forests, Domain Controllers, replication, Kerberos, and LDAP.
  • Understanding of database concepts including: Tables, queries, Structured Query Language (SQL), and database schemas
  • Understanding of resilience and disaster recovery including: backup and restore operations.


After completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Describe Azure architecture components including infrastructure, tools, and portals. 
  • Implement and manage virtual networking within Azure and to connect to on-premises environments.
  • Plan and create Azure virtual machines.
  • Configure, manage, and monitor Azure virtual machines to optimize availability and reliability.
  • Implement, manage, backup and monitor storage solutions.
  • Plan and implement data services based on SQL Database to support applications.
  • Deploy and configure websites.
  • Deploy, configure, monitor, and diagnose cloud services.
  • Publish content through CDNs and publish videos by using Media Services.
  • Create and manage Azure AD directories, and configure application integration with Azure AD.
  • Integrate on-premises Windows AD with Azure AD.
  • Automate operations in Azure management by using PowerShell runbooks.


Module 1: Introduction to Azure

This module provides the students a high level introduction to Azure.

Module 2: Implement and Manage Virtual Networks

In this module students will learn how to Implement Virtual Networks, why they are important and how to manage them post-implementation.

Module 3: Implement Virtual Machines

In this module, students will see how Microsoft Azure VMs can host services for their users and customers and how to create, install, and configure VMs with different operating systems and software platforms.

Module 4: Managing Virtual Machines

In this module the student will learn how to properly configure Virtual Machines and Virtual Machine Disks as well as managing and monitoring the Virtual Machine environments ensuring security, availability and scalability.

Module 5: Implementing Websites

In this module students will learn how to plan for website deployment, covering different levels of website and differing deployment models. They will then learn how to deploy a website, how to configure the site, how to monitor the performance of the site, what Webjobs are and how to use them and finally what Traffic Manager is and how it is used.

Module 6: Planning and Implementing Storage

In this module students will look at types of storage, how to choose/plan storage, storage accounts, and affinity groups. They will move on to learn how implement BLOBs and azure files, recovery services and backup, diagnostics, monitoring, and analytics.

Module 7: Planning and Implementing Data Services

In this module students will look at the differences between SQL databases on-premises and Azure SQL databases. They will learn how to implement Azure SQL databases, how to migrate data to SQL Azure, how to monitor the databases once created in Azure and learn about business continuity using database copy and export, Self-service restore and Geo-replication.

Module 8: Implementing PaaS Cloud Services and Mobile Services

In this module students will look at cloud services and how they compare to VM and website execution models. They will also look at Web roles and worker roles.  They will then move onto learn about deploying and configuring cloud services. They will also look a mobile services, at how to create, deploy and configure. Finally they will learn about monitoring and diagnostics.


Module 9: Implementing Content Delivery Networks and Media Services

In this module students learn what a content delivery network is and how to implement one. They then move on to look at Azure Media Services, and how to utilize media in Azure.

Module 10: Implement Azure AD

In this module students will learn how to implement Azure Active directory, then to manage users within the directory. They will also look at adding customer domains, at multi-factor authentication and at application integration with Azure Active Directory. Finally they will learn about the features and benefits offered by Azure Active Directory Premium.

Module 11: Managing Active Directory in a Hybrid Environment

In this module, students look at three alternative approaches for integrating on-premises Active Directory with Microsoft Azure. These options are placing a domain controller into Azure, implementing directory synchronization with optional password synchronization or single sign-on using Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS). Finally, you will consider how to manage these types of hybrid environments.

Module 12: Implementing Automation

This module starts with an introduction to automation and the components. The student then moves on to look at PowerShell Workflows, particularly the move from PowerShell scripts to worklows and finally looks at managing automation through creating and publishing runbooks, creating and scheduling jobs and monitoring job execution.


Module 13: Microsoft Azure Solutions

Now that the student has a technical understanding of many Azure services, they can use their knowledge to solve business problems for customers. In this module, they will read about and discuss two detailed scenarios. The instructor will help you to propose an outline solution for each scenario, in which Azure services are used to solve project goals.


Nánar um markmið og viðfangsefni hér►


Þetta námskeið er góður undirbúningur fyrir prófið 70-533: Implementing Azure Infrastructure Solutions. Ath að ekki eru lögð fyrir formleg próf í sjálfu námskeiðinu en mikil áhersla er lögð á að leiðbeinandi og þátttakendur fari sem oftast yfir það sem hefur áunnist til að ýta undir stöðugar framfarir.

Kennsluaðferð og námsefni

Sjálfsnám með Promennt MOD. Promennt MOD samanstendur af nokkrum mismunandi þáttum sem gera kennsluna aðgengilega hvar og hvenær sem er:

  • Myndbönd
  • Texti (notað er vottað Microsoft MOC-kennsluefni og ítarefni)
  • Prufuumhverfi (hands-on labs)
  • Æfingapróf

Eftir að skráning er frágengin fær þátttakandi sendan sérstakan námskeiðskóða. Þegar kóðinn er virkjaður hefur þátttakandi þrjá mánuði til að klára námskeiðið, en ræður ferðinni algjörlega sjálfur á þessu tímabili, getur farið yfir námsefnið eins oft og kosið er.


Greiðslukjör: Auk greiðslu með Microsoft Training voucherum og staðgreiðslu bjóðum upp á VISA/MasterCard staðgreiðslulán til allt að 36 mánaða, greiðslu með Netgíró og Pei.
Styrkir: Flest stéttarfélög og fagfélög styrkja félagsmenn sína myndarlega til náms hjá okkur. Kannaðu rétt þinn hjá þínu félagi. Þú getur líka haft samband okkur í síma 519-7550 eða sendu okkur línu á og við aðstoðum þig við að finna út úr hvaða styrkjum þú átt rétt á.